Blogger Boy is a dramedy that follows the ups and downs of “Mr. Average” Budi (Qi-ex drum OAG), a 20-something working in the city. Away from his mind-numbingly dull job, he has a secret identity on the internet by way of his male confessional comic blog, “Budak KL”.
Blogger Boy is a drama series filled with intriguing characters, quirky stories and Budi’s honest, humorous voice-over narrative, with added new dimension of online comic strips.
Korg bleh try access this blogger boy dlm blogspot dan series citer nih plak kt 8tv. Yg behnye biler ditambah dengan new dimension of online comic strips, so konpem lah it make the series all the more interesting :)
have fun :) slamat menonton, citer nih setiap khamis jam 9.30pm.